Before we begin, it is important to inform you that this action will leave your computer accessible to anybody. So, you should go ahead only if you’re sure that nobody can physically access your computer except you. Removal of password screen may prove to be useful in case the computer is locked in a room where no one goes in your absence. Home computer and computer in a lockable office cabin could be good candidates for removal of password.
How to Remove Password from Windows 10
Now, users will not need to enter password on this Windows 10 computer. This method works perfectly fine on both desktop and laptop computers. As we said, complete removal of password may not be a good idea in most cases. Alternatively, you could keep a simpler and easy to enter password. Well, simple passwords are not really secure but certainly better than no password at all. Let us know if this tip was useful for you. What are your views on removal of password? Thank you for using TechWelkin!